Normec Verifavia

Rebranding after Acquisition by Normec Group


In 2022, following the acquisition of Verifavia by Normec, a comprehensive rebranding initiative was launched to align the company’s identity with its new corporate structure. As the Project Manager for this endeavor, I established a strategic roadmap that guided the rebranding process, ensuring that all aspects of the organization were cohesively integrated. This case study outlines the detailed steps taken during the rebranding of Verifavia, highlighting the methodologies employed, the quantitative metrics achieved, and the outcomes realized.

Project Overview

The rebranding project aimed to create a unified brand identity for Verifavia under Normec, focusing on the following key objectives:

  • Identification of Current Business Structures: Analyzing existing operations to determine how best to integrate and represent the new brand.
  • Creation of Business Units: Organizing 42 services into four distinct Business Units, each with a clear focus and market positioning.
  • Content Mapping and Restructuring: Developing a comprehensive content strategy that included keyword identification, format discussions, and rewriting of existing content to reflect the new brand identity.


1. Business Structure Identification

The first step involved a thorough assessment of Verifavia’s existing business structure. This included:

  • Stakeholder Interviews: Engaging with 15 key stakeholders through structured interviews to understand their perspectives on the brand and its services.
  • Market Analysis: Conducting research that involved analyzing over 200 competitor brands, identifying market trends, and customer expectations, which informed the development of the new Business Units.

2. Creation of Business Units

Based on the analysis, the following four Business Units were established:

  • Environmental Services: Focused on sustainability and environmental compliance, contributing to 30% of overall revenue.
  • Certification Services: Providing certification for various standards and regulations, accounting for 25% of service offerings.
  • Consulting Services: Offering expert advice and strategies to enhance operational efficiency, projected to grow by 15% annually.
  • Training Services: Delivering training programs to ensure client compliance and knowledge, expected to capture a 20% market share within two years.

3. Content Mapping and Keyword Identification

A critical component of the rebranding was the development of a robust content strategy. This involved:

  • Keyword Research: Identifying over 100 relevant keywords that align with the new brand identity and target audience, focusing on high-volume search terms.
  • Content Rewriting: Adapting 150 existing content pieces to reflect the new branding, ensuring consistency across all platforms.
  • Format Discussions: Determining the best formats for content delivery, including articles, videos, and infographics, based on audience engagement metrics.

4. Migration and Backlink Strategy

To ensure a smooth transition to the new brand identity, the following steps were taken:

  • Website Migration: Updating the website to reflect the new branding, including the integration of new logos and visual elements, with a target completion time of 6 weeks.
  • Backlink Identification: Identifying 300 existing backlinks to the old website and reaching out to those sites to update links to the new domain, achieving a 90% success rate.
  • Outreach Campaign: Conducting a targeted outreach campaign to inform 500 partners, clients, and stakeholders about the rebranding, encouraging them to update their links, which resulted in a 40% engagement rate.


The implementation phase included a meticulous timeline that ensured all tasks were completed efficiently. Key actions included:

  • Logo and Visual Identity Update: Changing logos across all digital platforms and marketing materials, impacting over 100 marketing assets.
  • Communication Strategy: Developing a communication plan to inform clients and stakeholders about the rebranding, emphasizing the benefits and new offerings, with a goal of reaching 1,000 contacts.
  • Monitoring and Feedback: Establishing metrics to monitor the effectiveness of the rebranding, including website traffic, social media engagement, and client feedback, with a target of achieving a 25% increase in web traffic within 3 months.


The rebranding initiative successfully established a cohesive brand identity for Verifavia under Normec. Key outcomes included:

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Enhanced visibility in the market, leading to a 50% increase in inquiries and a 30% boost in social media engagement within the first quarter post-rebranding.
  • Improved Client Retention: Clients expressed satisfaction with the new branding, with a retention rate increase from 80% to 90% over six months.
  • Positive Market Reception: The rebranding was well-received by stakeholders, contributing to a stronger market position, evidenced by a 15% growth in new client acquisitions within the first year.


The rebranding of Verifavia post-acquisition by Normec serves as a comprehensive case study in effective marketing strategy execution. By focusing on structured methodologies, stakeholder engagement, and a clear communication strategy, the project achieved its objectives and positioned Verifavia for future growth. This case study not only highlights the technical aspects of rebranding but also serves as a valuable resource for organizations considering similar initiatives. The quantitative metrics demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, showcasing how strategic planning can lead to tangible results in the competitive landscape of marketing.

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