Nestlé Maggi Barbecue Sauce in Southeast Asia

Launching Nestlé Maggi Barbecue Sauce in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and South Korea


In my role at Reprise, IPG Mediabrands, I was tasked with the unique challenge of launching Nestlé Maggi Barbecue Sauce across Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore. This B2B initiative targeted street vendors, chefs, and food and beverage managers, marking a departure from the traditional consumer-focused launches associated with Nestlé’s product lines like Maggi noodles. This case study outlines the strategic approach taken during the launch, emphasizing the methodologies employed, the quantitative metrics achieved, and the insights gained throughout the process.

Project Overview

The primary objective of this launch was to introduce a new product to a diverse market, focusing on building relationships with key stakeholders in the food service industry. Our strategy included:

  • Creating Landing Pages: Developing localized landing pages to provide essential information about the product and its benefits.
  • Product Listings: Ensuring the product was listed on local market platforms to facilitate easy access for our target audience.
  • Catalog ID Generation: Creating unique catalog IDs for inventory management and tracking purposes.
  • Business Manager Account Setup: Establishing a new business manager account to streamline our advertising efforts.


1. Digital Presence and Social Media Strategy

Recognizing the importance of social media in our marketing strategy, we prioritized platforms like Meta (Facebook and Instagram) to reach our target audience effectively. Key steps included:

  • Setting Up Tracking: Implementing tracking pixels to monitor user interactions and gather data for future campaigns.
  • Media Planning: Utilizing predictive analytics to inform our media planning, focusing on industry benchmarks for click-through rates (CTR) and cost-per-click (CPC).

2. Campaign Development

Once the media plan was approved, we developed a comprehensive creative brief shared with the media team. This included:

  • Full-Funnel Approach: Implementing a full-funnel marketing strategy that targeted interest-based demographic audiences to build product awareness.
  • Data Collection: Creating first-party platform data to better understand our audience and refine our targeting strategies.
  • Conversion Paths: Encouraging potential customers to visit our website or order through local grocery stores, Lazada, Shopee, and other regional platforms.


The implementation phase was carefully orchestrated to ensure timely execution of all tasks. Key actions included:

  • Creative Collateral Development: Collaborating with the media team to produce engaging marketing materials that resonated with our target audience.
  • Campaign Launch: Executing the campaign across social media platforms, focusing on driving traffic and generating leads.
  • Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitoring campaign performance to make real-time adjustments as needed.


The launch of Nestlé Maggi Barbecue Sauce exceeded expectations, yielding impressive results within a short timeframe:

  • CTR Performance: Within the first week of the campaign, we surpassed industry CTR benchmarks, achieving a rate significantly above the average.
  • Lead Generation: We generated over 200 leads at a cost-per-click (CPC) of 4.34 SGD, which was 41% lower than our predicted CPC.
  • Market Engagement: The campaign facilitated meaningful interactions with street vendors and food service professionals, establishing a solid foundation for future sales.


The launch of Nestlé Maggi Barbecue Sauce in Southeast Asia serves as a valuable case study in effective B2B marketing strategy execution. By focusing on a structured approach that leveraged digital marketing, social media engagement, and data-driven decision-making, we successfully introduced a new product to a competitive market. This experience underscored the importance of understanding the unique dynamics of B2B launches, as well as the value of building strong relationships with key stakeholders in the food service industry. Through this initiative, we not only achieved our business objectives but also gained insights that will inform future marketing strategies for Nestlé and beyond.

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